Thursday, January 3, 2008

First Day of Men's Choir: Winter Quarter 2008

Welcome to the first day of Men's Choir for Winter Quarter 2008.

See the course syllabus below. You can also access the syllabus via Google Docs here-
or download it as an RTF document here.

I'm looking forward to a new quarter of making music.

MUSIC 2312/4312: 2007-2008
(CRN for Winter 2008: 22303/22304)

T, Th 3:30-4:50 p.m.
Demaray Hall, 150
Division of Fine Arts; Music Department

Ken Pendergrass, Director
Office: Crawford Music Building 207
Office Hours by appointment
pendek at spu

Course Description
A choral ensemble of men, membership by audition. Men's choir participates in campus choral concerts throughout the year, and in the annual Christmas Concert atBenaroya Hall in downtown Seattle. Occasionally, the Choir will perform at selected churches and organizations in the community as outreach for the University. Repertoire will be drawn from a wide range of historical periods and styles. The course may be repeated for credit.
[NOTE: It is expected that students enroll in Men's Choir for an entire year, as this ensemble is a full-year course in its goals and objectives.]

Course Goals and Objectives

1. To provide students with a high-quality performance ensemble.
2. To perform the best of men's choral literature.
3. To provide an environment for vocal development- individually and collectively.
4. To provide opportunities to learn about music, its development, construction and expression.
5. To create awareness of different styles of music, with emphasis on the various historical and cultural styles within Western traditions. This is a full-year course during which a variety of music will be introduced.
6. To assist members in a greater awareness and expression of their faith through the elements of both text and sonority.
7. To provide a community experience, a sense of unity and an opportunity for fellowship among its members.
8. To provide a means for praising God, utilizing each student's best efforts in creating meaningful expressions of worship.

Text and Supplies
No text is required. Music is supplied to students by the music department. Music issued to students must be returned to receive credit for the class. Replacement costs will be charged for missing scores.

Students are expected to provide two items:

1. A black three-ring binder,
2. Concert apparel consisting of a black tuxedo, white dress shirt, black bow tie and black socks and black shoes. Consult returning Men's Choir members or men from theSPU Concert Choir for advice. Please don not delay in securing your tuxedo.

General Expectations

1. Students in a choral ensemble are required to put forth their best effort at all times. It is expected that students excel in dedication, including:
2. Thorough knowledge of assigned music;
3. Punctual attendance at all rehearsals and performances;
4. 100% participation;
5. Attending sectional rehearsals.
6. Completion of all assignments, exams and job tasks.

Access to Email and Course Blog
Information, announcements, and reminders about this course will be posted via each student's university assigned email. It is expected that students will regularly check their university email and respond, if needed, in a timely fashion. A calendar with rehearsal dates, sectional dates and concert dates will be posted at the SPU Men's Choir Blog:, along with digital content (audio, video, images) that may be pertinent to this course.

Attendance and Grading
Attendance is critical for effective rehearsal. Schedule appointments, projects and homework (including study groups) for other classes, etc. at times other than rehearsal. Most work is accomplished in class, so it is vital that all members attend each and every session. There are fewer than 20 rehearsals each term.

Absence and Tardy Policies

1. Two (2) absences are allowed per quarter- to be cleared in advance with the director. Sectional rehearsals will also be required. Absences from any choir event, rehearsal or performance will affect your grade.
2. Missing a concert or chapel performance will result in a failing grade. Unexcused absences from outreach performances (churches, community organizations) will likewise result in a failing grade. CONSULT THE CALENDAR NOW AND CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE FOR PERFORMANCE DATES. Exceptional circumstances must be negotiated with the director.
3. Excessive tardiness will be penalized. Excessive starts with three. Leaving before rehearsal is over is the same as being tardy- it is still time missed. Excessive time missed will be penalized.
4. Please communicate anticipated absences or tardies with the instructor via e-mail or phone message. Explain the circumstances.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not difficult to get a good grade in this class- show up on time, learn your music, and sing at all scheduled performances. Maintain a professional focus. Students who are distracting will receive a lowered grade.

Sectional Rehearsals:
During each quarter, each section (T1, T2, B1, B2) is required to schedule four (4) fifty-minute extra sectional rehearsals at a time convenient to all members of the section. These sessions are devoted to clearing up questions regarding pitch, rhythm, etc. Each choir member is required to attend at least three (3) of the four sectionals. Failure to attend will count as an absence for each sectional missed. Additional sectionals may be scheduled for critical situations.

All events required; schedule accordingly.

* Friday, February 29, at First Free Methodist Church (Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir). Concert at 7:30 P.M. Call-time will probably be 6:30 p.m.
* TBA, Local Church Concert on a Sunday morning late January or early February.
* Friday, May 30, at First Free Methodist Church (Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir). Concert at 7:30 P.M. Call-time will probably be 6:30 p.m.

Rehearsal policies
Please follow these principles:

1. Excellent attendance and punctuality is expected as described above.
2. 100% participation and concentration.
3. All cell phones, pagers, beepers, watches, etc. must be turned off. No phone calls or text messages during rehearsal.
4. Every member must have his OWN music in hand at all rehearsals.
5. Every member must be equipped with a pencil and make judicious markings. A direction or instruction (such as breath, phrasing, diction, etc.) should be marked when given. Always mark music accurately and completely.
6. Please refrain from personal and social activities during rehearsal.
7. Do not eat or drink (water being the exception) during rehearsal.

Performance policies
Professional performances are essential. Focus is expected at all times. Please follow these principles:

1. Attendance and punctuality is required. Be prepared at the right time and place.
2. Fulfill jobs promptly and lend a hand when assistance is needed (set-up, tear-down, etc.)
3. All cell phones, pagers, beepers, watches, etc. must be turned off.
4. Every member must have his OWN music in hand at all performances.
5. Line-up and perform in assigned formations. No noise or talking "back-stage" or "on-stage."
6. Behaviors "on-stage" are to be professional. No conversations, gum-chewing, or other distracting behaviors.
7. Concert attire required for all performances unless specified by director.
8. Personal appearance is to be professional.
9. Respect and honor other performing groups in joint performances.

Music policy

1. The music for Men’s Choir is checked-out to you by a specific number. You are responsible for EVERY piece of music issued to your number.
2. At the end of the quarter or departure from the choir, your music will be collected in the folder. Fees for music not returned at the end of the quarter will be billed to your school account.

University Mission Statement
Seattle Pacific University seeks to be a premier Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture an changing the world bygraduating people of competence and character, becoming people of wisdom and modeling grace-filled community.

Music Department Mission
The Music Department at Seattle Pacific University seeks to be an exemplary music community committed to helping students to develop their talents and abilities fully, to appreciate cultural heritage, and to integrate music knowledge and skillsin a life characterized by Christian faith, wholeness and service.

Personal Statement
I hope your experience in men's choir will be trans-formative; with strength, integrity and joy we can lift our voices in spirit and truth, celebrate the gift of music, and create performances that will uplift others and honor our Lord.

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