Thursday, September 27, 2007

Translation and pronunciation for "Medieval Gloria"

Here is a word for word translation of the Latin Gloria found in "Medieval Gloria" followed by the literal translation when needed- MARK THIS DOWN IN YOUR MUSIC before our next rehearsal on 10/2/07
note: pronunciation guide is not in IPA but is a simple transliteration:

Gloria in excelsis Deo
glo-ree-ah een ek-shel-sees deh-o
Glory in highest to God
Glory to God in the highest.

Et in terra pax, hominibus bonae voluntatis
eht-een teh-r-ah pahks o-mee-nee-boos bo-neh voh-loon-tah-tees
And on earth peace to men of good will
And on earth peace to all those of good will.

Laudamus te Benedicimus te
lahoo-dah-moos-teh beh-neh-di-chee-moos-teh
We praise thee We bless thee

Adoramus te, Glorificamus te
ah-doh-rah-moos teh gloh-ree-fee-cah-moos teh
We worship thee We glorify thee

Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.
grah-tsee-ahs ah-jee-moos tee-bee prohp-tehr mah-nyahm glohr-ree-ahm
Thanks we give to thee because of great glory thy
We give thanks to thee according to thy great glory.

Domine Deus
doh-mee-neh deh-oos
Lord God

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Repertoire for fall '07

Wait for the flash player to load below and check-out a sample playlist of some songs we may do this fall and beyond...