Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beati Mortui Pronunciation, Translation and Practice mp3s

Here is a translation and pronunciation guide for "Beati Mortui"

If you can ignore the annoying beeps and goofy frame around the screen, check out the video above of a nice recording of "Beati Mortui"

Beati mortui

Beati mortui
Beh-ah-tee mor-too-ee
Blessed are the dead

In Domino morientes deinceps
Een Do-mee-no mor-ee-ehn-tehs de-een-chehps
Who henceforth die in the Lord

Dicit enim spiritus,
Dee-cheet eh-neem spee-ree-tus
Thus says the spirit

Ut requiescant a laboribus suis
Oot- reh-kwee-ehs-cahnt ah lah-bor-ee-us su-ees
That they may rest from their labors

Et opera illorum sequuntur ipsos.
Eht oh-peh-rah ee-lor-oom seh-koont-oor eep-sos
And their works follow them.

Here are some practice mp3s you can use to sing along with your part:

Tenor 1

Tenor 2

Bass 1 (Baritone)

Bass 2

Monday, September 27, 2010

Music for Fall Quarter

Cuncti simus

Cuncti simus-youtube version

Vive L' Amour
Listen to these two versions of "Vive L'Amour"- the first one is a live performance by the Men's Choir at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. The second one is by Chor Leoni, a semi-professional Men's Chorus from Vancouver B.C.

Vive L'Amour WWU Men's Choir

Vive L'Amour Chor Leoni

Vive L'Amour Rehearsal mp3s-
4 parts of "Vive L'Amour" on page 11, 2 measures before 90 (that hard staggered entrance part...)

For Tenor 1, go here: Tenor 1 Vive Practice

For Tenor 2, go here: Tenor 2 Vive Practice

For Baritone, go here: Baritone Vive Practice

For Bass, go here: Bass Vive Practice

Of the Father's Love Begotten

Beati Mortui
