Tuesday, November 20, 2012

End of the Quarter Schedule

Where you need to be for Men's Choir to finish strong for Autumn Quarter:

Tuesday November 20th
3:30-4:50 regular rehearsal in Demaray 150

Saturday November 24th- Tech rehearsal with all choirs and instrumentalists
**You need all your music at this rehearsal** 
6:00 p.m. Meet in Crawford Music Building 103 to discuss last minute details.
6:25 p.m. Head down to Royal Brougham Pavilion (gym) to rehearse.
6:30-8:35 p.m. Rehearse; pizza dinner at the end.

Sunday November 25th- Sacred Sounds rehearsal and performance
**You need all your music, tuxedo in a bag/hangar, and any homework/stuff during downtime**
9:00 a.m. Meet in the looop to load busses to McCaw Hall
9:45-12:25 p.m. Rehearsal at McCaw Hall
12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch provided.
1:30-3:30 p.m. Down Time
3:30 p.m.Get dressed for performance
4:00 p.m.Performance
6:00 p.m.? finish- back stage to clean-up DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND
6;30 p.m. Load buses to head back to campus- I need to know if you are NOT taking the bus back to SPU
6:50 p.m.? arrive back to campus

Tuesday November 27th Lesson and Carols Service
**You will need all your music to return (no music=no grade) and will be wearing your tuxedo** 
9:00 a.m.  Meet at the church to rehearse "In the Bleak Mid-Winter" and go over details.
9:30 a.m. Lessons and  Carols service
10:20 a.m. Done
**After the service- turn in ALL your music from the quarter; No rehearsal in the afternoon.

You are finished. Your final thing to do before finals and winter break: register for Winter quarter 2013!
Thanks! It's been a great quarter.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sacred Sounds 2012 Links: Rehearsal in 211 on Thursday 11/15

Just a reminder that rehearsal on Thursday 11/15 will start in Crawford Music Building 211 and then we will head to FFMC to rehearse with Women's Choir.

Please listen to the following Sacred Sounds Links before our rehearsal on Thursday:

Sussex Carol

Still, Still, Still

Come Now, Prince of Peace

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Homeworkd for 11/6/12 rehearsal

Homework for this week: please have the following music ready to by our next rehearsal on Tuesday November 6:

We have our first concert on November 9th. You should know what parts in the music still need work. Concert order is:
  1. Antiphon and Nunc- standing in opposites sides of the church from memory
  2. Medieval Gloria- process to front, from memory
  3. On Great Lone Hills
  4. In the Bleak Midwinter
  5. Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella
  6. Exsultate justi- from memory 
Our Thursday November 8th rehearsal at 3:30 will be at First Free Methodist Church.  *Don't come Demaray, and don't be late for this important rehearsal*   

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Homework for 10/30/12

Homework for this week: please have the following music ready to by our next rehearsal on Tuesday October 30:

1. "Antiphon and Nunc" Should be memorized-review.
2. "Bring a Torch..." Notes and rhythm-entire piece. BASSES- review a cappella section on p. 6...please.
3. "On Great Lone Hills" a.k.a Finlandia- Notes and rhythm entire piece AND sing along with the recording in the sidebar on the blog. Pay attention to the phrasing and dynamics.
4. "Exsultate justi..."- MEMORIZE beginning to measure 99, top of p. 9. Tenors- soaring please. Look and listen to bottom of p. 11 "in vociferatione..." be amazed.
5. "Medieval Gloria"- MEMORIZE the entire piece.
6. "In the Bleak Midwinter"-Changes in parts, in case you missed our last rehearsal-
**Baritones and Basses will sing bottom notes together.
**Tenor 2 will now sing all the B1 parts (top part in bass clef)
Tenor 1- top staff; no change.  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Homework for 10/23/12 rehearsal

Homework for this week: please have the following music ready to by our next rehearsal on Tuesday October 23:

1. "Antiphon and Nunc" MEMORIZE entire song.
2. "Bring a Torch..." Notes and rhythm beg. to top of page 9.
3. "On Great Lone Hills" a.k.a Finlandia- Notes and rhythm entire piece. (not memorized)
4. "Exsultate justi..."- MEMORIZE beginning to measure 42, bottom of page 4. Notes and rhythm and correct pronunciation. AND be familiar with the next section, pp. 5-6 through measure 74 ("chordarum")
5. "Medieval Gloria"- MEMORIZE the beginning to measure 28; correct words and pitches. Lots of repeated stuff, so should be easy.
6. "In the Bleak Midwinter"-Notes and rhythm from your entrance at measure 11 all the way to measure 23.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homework for 10/16/12 Rehearsal

Homework for this week: please have the following music ready to by our next rehearsal on Tuesday October 16:

1. "Antiphon and Nunc" MEMORIZE from the top of page 2 to "a light" at the bottom of page 2; correct words and pitches.
2. "Bring a Torch..." Notes and rhythm beg. to top of page 7.
3. "On Great Lone Hills" a.k.a Finlandia- Notes and rhythm beginning to measure 23 bottom of p. 4. Think Lord of the Rings with the text.
4. "Exsultate justi..."- MEMORIZE beginning to measure 34. Notes and rhythm and correct pronunciation.
5. "Medieval Gloria"- MEMORIZE the beginning to measure 16; correct words and pitches.
PLAN  and execute a sectional.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homework for 10/9/12 Rehearsal

Homework for this week: please have the following music ready to by our next rehearsal on Tuesday October 9:

1. "Antiphon and Nunc" Memorize the opening/closing antiphon; correct words and pitches.
2. "Bring a Torch..." Listen to and sing-along with your part from beginning to measure 41, before the key change on p. 7
3. "On Great Lone Hills" a.k.a Finlandia- Listen to and sing-along with your part from beginning to measure 23 bottom of p. 4.
4. "Exsultate justi..."- Listen to, sing-along and pay attention to the Latin pronunciation from beginning to measure 42 bottom of p. 4.
5. "Medieval Gloria"- Memorize the beginning to measure 9; correct words and pitches.
Finally, think about getting a tuxedo. Think and act upon setting up a sectional.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Homework for 5/22 rehearsal

Tuesday May 22nd rehearsal is one week before our May 29th concert with the percussion ensemble and World Premiere of "Cutting Word"

"Sivela Kwazulu"- review the moves for the song here: http://www.mystro2b.org/video/Sivela.mov

"Cutting Word":- first movement is solid; third movement needs to be MEMORIZED

"Sun Giant"- make sure you have the chromatic notes in measure 30 down and the "oohs" in ms. 43 to end.

"Shenandoah"- new standing arrangement should help our tuning.

"Lonesome Road"- ALL MEMORIZED

"Seven Bridges Road" -ALL MEMORIZED

"Fly Like an Eagle"- ALL MEMORIZED

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homework for 5/15 rehearsal

We will start our rehearsal in Demaray next Tuesday then over to Beegle to practice "Cutting Word" with percussion. Spend the bulk of your practice this week on that piece.

Lonesome Road- ALL MEMORIZED
Fly Like an Eagle- MEMORIZE the next section of the refrain

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Homework for 5/8/2012

  1. Sivela Kwazulu- pitches, and rhythms, and words first section-MEMORIZED
  2. Cutting Word- Third movement: pitches, rhythms, words, from measure 1-9. Add an "S" to the word "mushroom"- some links to rehearsal mp3's below
    TENOR 1: http://mystro2b.org/audio/Cutting_Word_03_T1%201.mp3
    TENOR 2: http://mystro2b.org/audio/Cutting_Word_03_T2%201.mp3
    BARITONE: http://mystro2b.org/audio/Cutting_Word_03_Bari.mp3
    BASS: http://mystro2b.org/audio/Cutting_Word_03_Bass.mp3
  3. Sun Giant- measure 41-end: pitches, rhythms, words
  4. Shenandoah-entire piece- pitches, rhythms, words; in tune from beginning to end; practice at a piano and see if you are in the same key at the end..
  5. Lonesome Road- beginning to ms. 17 pitches, rhythm, words MEMORIZED
  6. Seven Bridges Road- entire piece- MEMORIZED
  7. Fly Like an Eagle- beginning to measure 17- MEMORIZED

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Homework for May 1st Rehearsal

  1. Sivela Kwazulu- pitches, and rhythms, entire piece
  2. Cutting Word- pitches, rhythms, words, entire First Movement MEMORIZED
  3. Sun Giant- measure 16-40: pitches, rhythms, words
  4. Shenandoah-measure 42-end; pitches, rhythms, words
  5. Lonesome Road- pitches, rhythm, words, entire piece
  6. Seven Bridges Road-Verse 2, ALL MEMORIZED
  7. Fly Like an Eagle- measure 25-41: pitches, rhythm, words

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Homework for Rehearsal 8 4/24/12

  1. Shenandoah- measures 31-42: pitches, rhythm, words
  2. Fly Like an Eagle- measures 17-25: pitches, rhythm, words
  3. Seven Bridges Road- beginning to top of page 2 (before strumming) MEMORIZED
  4. Lonesome Road- measures 36-44: pitches, rhythm, words
  5. Cutting Word- entire first movement: pitches, rhythm and words
  6. Sun Giant- beginning to measure 16: pitches, rhythm, words

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Homework for 4/17/2012 Rehearsal

  1. Shenandoah- measures 20-31: notes, rhythm and words 
  2. Fly Like an Eagle- measures 5-17: notes, rhythm and words
  3. Seven Bridges Road- verse 2 through bridge into page 4 (strumming ends): notes, rhythm and words 
  4. Lonesome Road- measure 17-36 (just before "carry on..."): notes, rhythm and words 
  5. Cutting Word- beginning to measure 12: notes, rhythm and words
  6. Schedule a sectional this week with guys from your section.
START MEMORIZING Seven Bridges Road, Fly Like an Eagle

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Homework for next rehearsal 4/10/2012

Homework for this week: please have the following music ready to by our next rehearsal on Tuesday April 10

  1. Shenandoah- beginning to measure 20: notes, rhythm and words 
  2. Fly Like an Eagle- follow along with your music and listen to this version online: http://youtu.be/sqvB-HBv4cI. Try singing along. 
  3. Seven Bridges Road- beginning to top of page 2 where strumming begins: notes, rhythm and words 
  4. Lonesome Road- beginning to measure 17: notes, rhythm and words 
  5. Cutting Word- follow along with your music and listen to this rehearsal mp3 online: http://mystro2b.org/audio/Cutting_Word_01.mp3. Try singing along.
  6. Schedule a sectional this week with guys from your section.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Homework for 2/21/12 rehearsal ONLY 4 more rehearsals before our concert

Please have the following ready by next rehearsal:

1. Ave Maria- the entire thing, notes and rhythm
2. Si iniquitates observaveris-:  measure 20 to the end, notes and rhythm, not text
3. Cantate Domino- all notes and rhythm and text and style!!
4. Dies Irae-the entire piece,notes rhythm, style
5. Demon in My View- the whole thing, especially the last page.
6. My Savior, Lest Your Mercy Free- all, notes and rhythm
7. I Hear a Voice a' Prayin- all of it, especially the end

Virginia Glee Club Schedule
Friday March 2nd-
7:30 p.m. Choir arrives at SPU from Seatac. VGC guys are paired up with SPU hosts and head home for the evening. They will be hungry.
Saturday March 3rd-
After breakfast, VGC guys will head out for sight-seeing.
4:00 p.m. combined choir rehearsal at FFMC.
5:00 p.m. break for dinner and dress for concert
6:30 p.m. back at church for final line-up.
7:00 p.m. concert
after concert, VGC head back to dorms/homes with SPU hosts.
Sunday March 4th-
10:00 a.m. VGC leaves Seattle for Vancouver/Portland. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homework for Valentine's Day rehearsal 2/14

Please have the following ready by next rehearsal:

1. Ave Maria- beg. ms. 22: notes and rhythm
2. Si iniquitates observaveris-: beg. to measure 20, notes and rhythm, not text (see video below)
3. Cantate Domino- all notes and rhythm and text
4. Dies Irae-beg. to ms. 59-82: notes and rhythm and text
5. Demon in My View- beg. to meas 62 notes, rhythm and text

Listen to "Si iniquitates observaveris" (it starts at 1:01 on purpose...)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Homework for 2/7/12 rehearsal

Have this music ready to go by next rehearsal:

1. Hymn to God the Father- ms. 76 to end: notes and rhythm
2. Demon in My View-beg. to ms. 33-62: notes and rhythm
3. Cantate Domino-beg. to bottom of p. 5: notes and rhythm again- tested in double quartets...
4. Dies Irae-beg. to ms. 59-82: notes and rhythm

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Homework for next rehearsal 1/31/12

Please have the following music ready by next rehearsal, Tuesday January 31:

1. Hymn to God the Father- beginning to ms. 67: notes and rhythm.
2. Demon in My View-beg. to ms. 32: notes and rhythm.
3. Cantate Domino-beg. to bottom of p. 5: notes and rhythm.
4. Dies Irae-beg. to ms. 58: notes and rhythm.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Homework for next rehearsal 1/24/12

 HOMEWORK for Rehearsal 1/24/12

We missed two rehearsals this week because of snow...not good.

Using the links below as a guide, by next rehearsal please have the notes, text and rhythm ready for "Cantate Domino" from the beginning to the bottom of page 3 just before the 3/4 bar. Be ready to sing your part in a double-quartet.

Here are the links to practice mp3s for "Cantate Domino"

There is one complete version with all the voices equal [FULL] and 2 versions for each voice part- [T1, T2, BI (a.k.a Baritone), BII] with your part being played louder than the others in the background. There is also a version without your voice part [noT1, noT2 etc.] so you can be confident when you sing in rehearsal on Tuesday. Finally, there is a pronunciation track [pron]. Get to work.











Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homework for 1/17/12 Rehearsal- Listening

Please listen to the following pieces before our next rehearsal:

"Hymn to God the Father" (It starts at 3:06 on purpose...)

"Demon in My View"

"Dies Irae"

"I Hear A Voice A Prayin"